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Music, Money, and Success
The Insider's Guide to Making Money in the Music Industry
by Anne Freeman,

MusicDish Network Sponsor

Title: "Music, Money, and Success: The Insider's Guide to Making Money in the Music Industry" 4th Edition (October 2004)
Authors:Jeffrey Brabec and Todd Brabec
Genre:Music Business Trade Book
Publisher:Schirmer Trade Books
Details:467 pages, List Price $24.95 US, available through major book retailers.

How about the following New Year's resolution for 2006: I will read "Music, Money, and Success: The Insider's Guide to Making Money in the Music Industry" by brothers Jeffrey Brabec and Todd Brabec, who both hold high powered jobs in the music industry and have plenty of real life experience behind them.

Jeffrey Brabec is vice president of business affairs for The Chrysalis Music Group, where he specializes in evaluating, analyzing and negotiating music publishing acquisitions. Todd Brabec is executive vice president and director of membership for the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), the world's largest performing rights organization.

As the title implies, "Music, Money and Success" is all about how songs make money in the music business. The book delves deeply into the business of songs and songwriting, and readers don't have to wade through a lot of fluff or information not immediately pertinent to the song trade, such as how to get a record deal or put together a tour.

"Music, Money and Success" goes into great detail about the very complex world of copyrights and the administration of copyrights, including licensing for records, film, video, commercials, and emerging licensing opportunities such as the Internet; who does what, how and why in the song trade; breaking into the songwriting busines; examples of typical contract language and contract terms; and much more. The Brabecs also include charts that clearly demonstrate where the songwriting money comes from under different circumstances, which I found to be helpful in bringing all of this conplex information together.

The contents of "Music, Money and Success" include:

* Songwriting and publishing
* Copublishing and administration
* Records
* Performances
* Movies
* Television
* Commercials
* Broadway
* Foreign rights and income
* Buying and selling songs
* Managers, lawyers and agents
* Copyright
* Putting it all together
* Breaking into the songwriting business
* Sampling
* Joint ventures
* Internet
* Music industry organizations

This audience for this book ­ which is truly a handbook ­ is anyone whose business includes the creation and/or use of songs, including but not limited to songwriters, music publishers, filmmakers, TV and video producers, venues, producers, record labels, broadcasters, webcasters, licensing agents, etc.

In summary, if songs are a part of your business, then make it your business to pick up a copy of "Music, Money, and Success: The Insider's Guide to Making Money in the Music Industry." And don't leave home without it!

Provided by the MusicDish Network. Copyright © Tag It 2005 - Republished with Permission

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